Monday, October 28, 2013

Crazy Laws ~~ Alaska

Throughout history there have been laws passed and laws removed from the books. Depending on what era you grew up in, I'm sure all the laws made sense at that time. As time has progressed, some of the laws that could be deemed crazy, weird, or just plain stupid have managed to slip through the filter and remain intact. 

These are a few of the crazy laws that are still on books in these here United States of America, Alaska.  

1.  Even though it is legal to hunt a bear, it is illegal to wake a bear for photo opportunities. Who would want to do that? Let sleeping bears lie. 

2.  It is illegal to whisper in somebody's ear while they are moose hunting. I guess you wouldn't want to distract them and have them Dick Cheney your ass.

3.  It is considered an offense to push a live moose out of a moving airplane.  

4. It is also illegal for moose to be viewed from an airplane. But, it's okay for Sarah Palin to shoot them from her helicopter?
5.  Drunk people are not allowed to come into a bar.

6.  Moose are not allowed to mate in the streets. Hmmm and how would you suggest I stop them? 

7.  Owners of kangaroos may not let their pet into barbershops.  I didn't realize there were so many kangaroos in Alaska. ??

8.  Eating a neighbor’s baby is strictly forbidden.

9.  Intentionally avoiding walking on the cracks in the pavement is illegal.

10.  Men must NEVER be completely naked. Wow that must make for an interesting shower. 

11.  Stealing snow from a neighbor's garden to make a snowman is against the law. Using it for an igloo is acceptable.

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