Thursday, October 31, 2013

Crazy Laws ~~ Connecticut

Throughout history there have been laws passed and laws removed from the books. Depending on what era you grew up in, I'm sure all the laws made sense at that time. As time has progressed, some of the laws that could be deemed crazy, weird, or just plain stupid have managed to slip through the filter and remain intact. 

These are a few of the crazy laws that are still on books in these here United States of America, Connecticut. 

1.  It is unlawful to walk backwards after sunset. If walking backwards is your thing, then by all means, have at it. But don't let the authorities catch you. 

2.   It is illegal to dispose of used razor blades. Yeah, unless you like sporting the razor burned and infected look, I'd advise that you take a chance on this one. Hey, who would know anyway?

3.  It is illegal to educate dogs. So, teaching Fido to fetch and roll over is actually against the law, huh? 

4.  A 16-year-old boy could be put to death if he "cursed, struck, or disobeyed" his parents or was "stubborn or rebellious". Wow... I thought we had it bad growing up getting the spit slapped out of our mouths.

5.  Any dogs with tattoos must be reported to the police.  So much for tattoo dog license. 

6.  In Bloomfield, it is against the law to eat in your car. 

7.  In Guilford, only white Christmas lights are allowed for display.

8.  In New Britain, it is illegal for fire trucks to exceed 25 mph, even when going to a fire.

9.  In Southington, silly string is banned.

10.  In order for a pickle to officially be considered a pickle, it must bounce.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Crazy Laws ~~ Colorado

Throughout history there have been laws passed and laws removed from the books. Depending on what era you grew up in, I'm sure all the laws made sense at that time. As time has progressed, some of the laws that could be deemed crazy, weird, or just plain stupid have managed to slip through the filter and remain intact. 

These are a few of the crazy laws that are still on books in these here United States of America, Colorado. 

1. It is illegal in the state for children over eight to wet their beds.

2.  In Aspen, make certain you never fire a catapult at a building.

3.  In Sterling, make certain you never let a cat loose, unless it has been fit with a taillight.

4.  Couches may not be placed on outside porches. 

5.  It is unlawful to lend your vacuum cleaner to your next door neighbor.

6.  It is illegal to have weeds in your yard. Hmmm... So, the weed I have in the house is okay?  Just kidding. 

7.  It is illegal for a man to kiss a woman while she is asleep. Well, so much for being romantic in the mornings on your way to work. Just throw that sweet love note away and wake her up and tell her goodbye.

8.  It is illegal to crash into obstacles on a ski slope.

9.  It is illegal to drive a black car on Sunday. 

10.  It is illegal for a woman wearing a red dress to be out on the streets after 7 p.m..

Crazy Laws ~~ California

Throughout history there have been laws passed and laws removed from the books. Depending on what era you grew up in, I'm sure all the laws made sense at that time. As time has progressed, some of the laws that could be deemed crazy, weird, or just plain stupid have managed to slip through the filter and remain intact. 

These are a few of the crazy laws that are still on books in these here United States of America, California. 

1.  Animals are banned from mating publicly within 1,500 feet of a tavern, school, or place of worship.

2.  In San Jose and Sunnyvale it is illegal for grocery stores to provide plastic bags.

3.  It’s unlawful to let a dog pursue a bear or bobcat at any time.

4.  Bathhouses are against the law. 

5.  Sunshine is guaranteed to the masses.

6.  It is a misdemeanor to shoot at any kind of game from a moving vehicle, unless the target is a whale.

7.  Women may not drive in a house coat.

8.  No vehicle without a driver may exceed 60 miles per hour.

9.  In Baldwin Park, nobody is allowed to ride a bicycle in a swimming pool.

10.  City Council order in Belvedere, CA reads: “No dog shall be in a public place without its master on a leash."

11.  In Carmel, a man can’t go outside while wearing a jacket and pants that do not match.

12.  Ice cream may not be eaten while standing on the sidewalk. (Repealed when Clint Eastwood was mayor)

Crazy Laws ~~ Arkansas

Throughout history there have been laws passed and laws removed from the books. Depending on what era you grew up in, I'm sure all the laws made sense at that time. As time has progressed, some of the laws that could be deemed crazy, weird, or just plain stupid have managed to slip through the filter and remain intact. 

These are a few of the crazy laws that are still on books in these here United States of America, Arkansas. 

1.  It’s strictly prohibited to pronounce “Arkansas” incorrectly.  It should be pronounced in three (3) syllables, with final “s” silent, the “a” in each syllable with the Italian sound, and the accent on the first and last syllables. The pronunciation with the accent on the second syllable with the sound of “a” in “man” and the sounding of the terminal “s” is an innovation to be discouraged. (Ar-kan-saw)

2.  Alligators may not be kept in bathtubs.

3.  In Fayetteville, It is illegal to kill “any living creature”.

4.  Oral sex is considered to be sodomy. Well, isn't that interesting. 

5.  In Little Rock, It is unlawful to walk one’s cow down Main Street after 1:00 PM on Sunday.

6.  A man can legally beat his wife, but not more than once a month.

7.  Flirtation between men and women on the streets of Little Rock may result in a 30-day jail term.

8.  A law provides that school teachers who bob their hair will not get a raise.

9.  It is illegal to sing in a public place while wearing a swimsuit.

10.  A voter is only allowed five minutes to mark his ballot.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Crazy Laws ~~ Arizona

Throughout history there have been laws passed and laws removed from the books. Depending on what era you grew up in, I'm sure all the laws made sense at that time. As time has progressed, some of the laws that could be deemed crazy, weird, or just plain stupid have managed to slip through the filter and remain intact. 

These are a few of the crazy laws that are still on books in these here United States of America, Arizona. 

1.  In Tucson, Arizona, Women may not wear pants. 

2.  There is a possible 25 years in prison for cutting down a cactus.

3.  Donkeys cannot sleep in bathtubs.

4.  When being attacked by a criminal or burglar, you may only protect yourself with the same weapon that the other person possesses.

5.  In Globe, Arizona, Cards may not be played in the street with a Native American.

6.  In Hayden, Arizona, if you bother the cottontails or bullfrogs, you will be fined.  Please stop teaching your daughters to kiss the frog for a prince. It has become an epidemic, evidently.

7.  Hunting camels is prohibited.

8.   No more than six girls may live in a house.  So I guess a move to Arizona by the Duggar family is out of the question.

9.  A decree declares that anyone caught stealing soap must wash himself with it until it is all used up.  Clean criminals are their number one priority. If I steal money, do I have to spend it all?

10.  It is illegal for men and women over the age of 18 to have less than one missing tooth visible when smiling.  I bet this messes up the Miss America contestants.

11.  And lastly we will end this crazy list with the strangest law, You may not have more than two dildos in a house.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Crazy Laws ~~ Alaska

Throughout history there have been laws passed and laws removed from the books. Depending on what era you grew up in, I'm sure all the laws made sense at that time. As time has progressed, some of the laws that could be deemed crazy, weird, or just plain stupid have managed to slip through the filter and remain intact. 

These are a few of the crazy laws that are still on books in these here United States of America, Alaska.  

1.  Even though it is legal to hunt a bear, it is illegal to wake a bear for photo opportunities. Who would want to do that? Let sleeping bears lie. 

2.  It is illegal to whisper in somebody's ear while they are moose hunting. I guess you wouldn't want to distract them and have them Dick Cheney your ass.

3.  It is considered an offense to push a live moose out of a moving airplane.  

4. It is also illegal for moose to be viewed from an airplane. But, it's okay for Sarah Palin to shoot them from her helicopter?
5.  Drunk people are not allowed to come into a bar.

6.  Moose are not allowed to mate in the streets. Hmmm and how would you suggest I stop them? 

7.  Owners of kangaroos may not let their pet into barbershops.  I didn't realize there were so many kangaroos in Alaska. ??

8.  Eating a neighbor’s baby is strictly forbidden.

9.  Intentionally avoiding walking on the cracks in the pavement is illegal.

10.  Men must NEVER be completely naked. Wow that must make for an interesting shower. 

11.  Stealing snow from a neighbor's garden to make a snowman is against the law. Using it for an igloo is acceptable.

Crazy Alabama Laws

We trust and encourage our lawmakers to pass laws that are important and relevant, but sometimes a few dumb ones sneak into the mix. There was usually a very important and valid reason to pass these laws in the first place, but those stories have been lost to history. Instead, we are left scratching our heads, wondering why these laws were passed, and hoping no officer tries to uphold them. Here are a few of the funniest crazy laws in the State of Alabama. 

1.  There is still a ban against sex toys unless purchases are made for medical, scientific, or educational purposes.

2.   It is illegal to drive while wearing a blindfold. 

3.   It is illegal to maim oneself to escape duty.

4.   Putting salt on a railroad track may be punishable by death.

5.   You may not have an ice cream cone in your back pocket at any time.

6.   Masks may not be worn in public.  Does that mean no Trick or Treating?? 

7.   Bear wrestling matches are prohibited. 

8.   In Mobile, bathing in city fountains is prohibited.

9.   Incestuous marriages are legal.

10.  Boogers may not be flicked into the wind.

11.  In Lee County, it is illegal to sell peanuts after sundown on Wednesday.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Crazy Pennsylvania Laws

Pennsylvania has made it illegal to touch the belly of a pregnant woman without her permission, pursuant to a harassment case against a man who kept tummy-touching a pregnant lady against her will.

Many of you find this a crazy or stupid law so I have decided to make a list of a few more of the CRAZY laws that are still on the books in Pennsylvania. 

1.  It is illegal to sleep on top of a refrigerator outdoors. You ave to wonder how frequently this occurred to make it an actual law. Last time I checked, beds were much more comfortable.

2.  A special ordinance bans housewives from hiding dirt and dust under a rug in a dwelling. My guess is that the story behind this one includes an angry husband in the 1950’s.

3.  You may not sing in the bathtubReally, Pennsylvania? Who’s going to break down my door, set off my home security alarm, and arrest me while I sing into my loofah?

4.  All liquor stores must be run by the state. If you live in PA or have visited here, you know that this one is still strictly enforced with the “Wine and Spirits” stores everywhere. Most residents think it’s a scam that the Liquor Control Board can decide which types of alcohol can be sold in-state, and sets the prices. Everyone I know in the Philly area goes to NJ to buy alcohol, it’s a lot cheaper there.

5.  You may not catch a fish with your hands. That’s like passing a law that you can’t catch a fly with chopsticks. I can’t imagine what prompted lawmakers to pass this one.

6.  It is illegal to have over 16 women live in a house together because that constitutes a brothel. Clearly there was no such thing as a “women’s college dorm” when this law was passed. Or maybe it’s meant to promote co-ed campus housing…

7.  It is contrary to Pennsylvania law to discharge a gun, cannon, revolver or other explosive weapon at a wedding. I am so glad I didn’t buy the bride and groom that Civil War cannon they put on their wedding registry.

8.  Danville, PA - All fire hydrants must be checked one hour before all fires. Anyone have a crystal ball?

9.  Morrisville, PA - It is required that a woman have a permit to wear cosmetics. If I lived there, I’d break this law on a daily basis.

10.  Ridley Park, PA - You cannot walk backwards eating peanuts in front of the Barnstormers Auditorium during a performance. Possibly the stupidest law we have. 

11.   Any motorist who sights a team of horses coming toward him must pull well off the road, cover his car with a blanket or canvas that blends with the countryside, and let the horses pass. If the horses appear skittish, the motorist must take his car apart, piece by piece, and hide it under the nearest bushes. Seems to me that there would be no more vehicles in Pennsylvania. 

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