These are a few of the crazy laws that are still on books in these here United States of America, Delaware.
2. “R” rated movies shall not be shown at drive-in theaters.
3. In Rehoboth, on Halloween, children may only “trick-or-treat” from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM, and if Halloween falls on a Sunday, they must “trick-or-treat” on October 30 during this same time interval.
4. Six-year-old girls may not run around without being fully clothed. Makes you wonder about seven-year-old girls... Are they allowed?
5. Alcohol may not be served in nightclubs if dancing is occurring on the premises at the same time. You just can't have too much fun!!
6. It is a violation of the local law for any pilot or passenger to carry an ice cream cone in their pocket while either flying or waiting to board a plane. Wonder how that ever became a law.
7. No person shall change clothes in his or her vehicle.
8. You may not sell human corpses for money without a license. They have a license that makes this okay?
9. Women must not drive while wearing a house coat.
10. The only permissible sexual position is missionary-style Any other sexual position is illegal. And who is peeking in your window to arrest you?
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